Skipper’s Guerilla “Tour de Fun” (2022)

How to reach an audience with NO internet or social media?

When longtime Ptex client Swingit tasked us with making headway into the deepest reaches of the Hasidic market, I knew we’d have to execute something truly out-of-the-box and special.

We were already engaging the bulk of their audience through print, digital and social ads, with phenomenal conversion – but that insular hasidic market can be a tough nut to crack!

Taking Skipper to the streets for a “Tour de Fun”

While I’d created their Mascot Skipper 2 years back, but so far, he had only lived on the pages of print ads. 

Working together with Ptex art director Musky Pollack, we brought Skipper to life in full costume… then took him on a tour of Lakewood, Monsey, Boro Park and Five Towns.

Announcements were posted in local publications, local WhatsApp statuses and groups (to reach Hassidim who do choose to use “smart” mobile devices), and large signage at each stop of the tour invited peeps to “Come say hey!”

High fives all around!

Skipper and co. were mobbed in droves while handing out balloons, treats, pamphlets, and furry high-fives.

In addition to all the delight and brand-awareness-building, Skipper’s appearance got people talking. “Who’s this?”, “What does Swingit do?” etc. and the phone calls rolled in, even from the deepest enclaves of Boro Park, seeking playsets for their bungalows and more!

my role

In collaboration with:

Ptex Group
Art Director:
Mushky Pollack
Graphic Artist:
Miriam Reifman
Leah Goldman

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