Swingit Marketing Campaign (2023)

Live More, Outdoors

Long-time client Swingit was growing in leaps, bounds and giggles. Never satisfied, for our 4th year together, we decided to push things up a notch or twenty.

Selling The dream

I chose to harness the growing "outdoor living" trend to sell the market on most magical, beautiful, and modern swingsets.

I imagined a series of inspirationally relatable outdoor living scenes: baby's first birthday, camping with daddy, crack of dawn mornings. Heartwarming moments of connection and love so beautiful, parents would want to create for themselves.

A multimedia campaign

This campaign really spoke to our market, and successfully sold them on the concept of a modern, beautiful set. Every week an ad ran, demand for the particular model shown spiked.

Hit "Play" to watch one of the vids :)

my role

In collaboration with:

Art Director:
Miriam Reifman
Graphic Artist:
Chana Snyder
Faigy Akda

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